Saturday, October 5, 2013

Mirror, mirror in the Class


          Time pass so fast. Another chapter, another grading is going to end again and yet I'm still at the bottom. First grading is just like yesterday and now second grading is gonna end. It's like magic! In just a simple blink things gonna end. But questions ruined my mind! Is there any improvement in me? This question is always left unanswered.
          Maybe I'm living with technologist but I am not good as it. At the first grading period ICT is just OK but as we go on and face another grading its getting harder but more fun. When I was still in third year I'm afraid on this subject because some seniors talk about editing and I know I'm not good with it. But all of this dropped together when our teacher start to tackle the topics. The second grading period focused on blogs and html. Well I can say I improved in this grading period because I all done all the activities and requirements. As all we know life is full of problems. When Mrs. Vera Cruz start to discuss about HTML I was afraid because I thought it was hard. Because in the first place I cant understand what HTML really is. But Mrs. Vera Cruz is such a good teacher she let us analyze  all the lessons. This grading period we misses lots of classes because of some holidays and also because of typhoons. I feel nervous because I thought we can't finish all the lessons but we did. I swear I can improve more for the next grading period because I know there is still the best on me inside me and I hope I can make it out.
         ICT is such an enjoyable and great subject but sometimes the lessons is hard to analyze. I know its not all about the lessons but more on fun. As you find it fun I know you will do it better. That's how I perform for this grading period.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"Prodigious Gift"

          I know that you are familiar with the slogan “If you can read this thank a teacher” but may I ask you, did you ever try to say thank you to them?
       Teacher is one great gift from God that a child can receive. They serve as the second parent of each children and take note not only a parent but a friend too, one real friend. Teachers play a very important role in one’s life. Maybe sometimes they are annoying because of lots of sermons from them but come to think all what they saying are also for our own good. At first, I hate getting up early just to be in school and most of all I really hate school. But because of them I learn to love and value school and always excited to get up early just to be in school as early as I can. Their smiles serve as my strength to face all the consequences of being a student. Always remember that they are a saviour. Always have that open shoulder for us students cry and lean for. They are a friend who always there to listen and talk about problems and never let you face problems alone. Teachers are really wonderful, their smile makes us smile, their love and care is always ours and their knowledge is our knowledge too.

         Teachers are part of every child’s life. They are one of the greatest heroines in earth yesterday, today and also in the future. They will never been tired of teaching, loving and caring for their students. Let us thank them for being our parent, teacher, friend and a saviour. They will always be part of every child’s success. THANK YOU TEACHERS! WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH J