Sunday, September 22, 2013

Build the Solutions, Bit the Causes and Build up a Better Future


                  When you hear the word “Science” what’s the first think sink in your mind? A scientist? The chemicals? Or the experiments? Well it is all part of science. What and why is science important in a society? These questions always left unanswered in my mind.
                Science has a very important role in society. Where ever you look, where ever you are there is science. But nowadays lot of problems the society facing now is cause by science. One of them is the ever known Global Warming. Global Warming is one of the most conscious problems that a society might face. But of course we can’t blame science for having this kind of problems because in the first place science have a good purpose it just depends on how people use it so in other hand it’s all our fault why we are facing those problems. Science also deals with nature. For now our nature is not valued by people. They are abusing it in some non-sense thing just to have money. We don’t think that we might lose what mother earth given to us. She might get all of this in just a simple blink of an eye. We have to move and start working for the betterment of our nature. Let’s start to build up the solutions to bit the causes. Start building a newly and better society.

                Start building up the solutions today, defeat the causes of yesterday and start building up a better society for the future. Start building up a higher level of society for the next generation.